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My First English Blog

作家相片: Polin WEIPolin WEI


I am forty five years old. I am always learning English , but always not good at English. What's the good path to learning English that bother me ? I think I should need reading more, listing more , writing more and speaking more.

我已經45歳. 我總是在學習英文, 但英文總是很糟, 什麼才是好的學習路徑? 這困擾我很久, 我想我應該多讀, 多聽, 多寫與多說英文吧.

Today, I create an my first English blog "". I will try write down all things about My English learning. Hope I can keeping....

今天, 我建立第一個英文網站, 我會試著將我竹學習到的英文記錄下來, 期望能加強我的英文能力, 希望我能持續下去....

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3 Kommentare

Sally Liao
Sally Liao
01. März 2018

For your previous comment, maybe you can reword the sentence as follows:

Thanks for your suggestion. I will save it for now. After I’ve learned English for a while I’ll come back and review it again to see if my English is improved.

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Polin WEI
Polin WEI
26. Feb. 2018

Thanks for your suggestion. I will keep and review it whether improve after learning.

謝謝您的建議, 我將保留它. 等學習英文一陣子後, 再來檢視自已是否有進步.(我想 英文 應該是這麼寫吧:)

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Sally Liao
Sally Liao
26. Feb. 2018

we suggest re-writing the above paragraphs as follows:

’I am a forty five year old man. I have been trying to learn English for quite some time, but am still not fluent. What is the best way to learn English? I think I need to listen and repeat with correct pronunciation and grammar as well as reading and writing more.

Today, I created my first English blog and will try to continue recording my learning progress. I hope I can improve my English by keeping up with this blog.’

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