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Cinderella 灰故娘

作家相片: Polin WEIPolin WEI


Once upon a time, there was a businessman, His wife died. And left a beautiful , sweet girl.

從前有一個商人, 他的妻子去世了, 留下一位美麗, 善良的小女兒.

The girl had a step mother. and two ugly, greedy elder sisters. The father was doing business out of town.

家裡來了一個後母, 女兒有兩個貪心的姐姐. 父親出門去做生意.....

The elder sister said: I want her dress.

大姐說: 我要她的裙子.

The younger sister said: I want her hat.

二姐說: 我要她的帽子.

The step mother said: Take what ever your like.

後母說: 你們喜歡什麼就拿吧.

The poor little girl was driven into the kitchen to do all the housework and dressed in rags. She had to do all the cooking and washing.

可憐的小女孩被趕到廚房裡去工作, 穿著破舊的衣服, 煮完飯還要洗衣服.

The elder sister said: Gosh! How dirty are you!

大姐說: 哎呀, 你好髒.

The younger sister said: You are Cinderella!

二姐說: 你是一個灰故娘.

The prince of their country had grown up.


The king held a grand ball for him.


The queen said: How handsome my son is!

皇后說: 我的兒子好英俊啊.

The princess of neighboring country was invited. So were all of girls from all over the country.

鄰國的公主受到了邀請, 全國的女孩們, 也受到邀請.

Waiter said: The prince will choose his bride among the girls.

待從說: 王子要從女孩中選新娘.

The elder sister said: I will wear my gold dress, the prince will like me!

大姐說: 我要穿金色的長裙, 王子會喜歡我的.

The younger sister said: I will wear my red shoes, the prince will like me.

二姐說: 我要穿紅色的鞋子, 王子會喜歡我的.

All the people are going to the palace.


The elder sister said: Cinderella , come here. Comb my hair.

大姐說: 灰姑娘, 快幫我來梳頭髮.

The younger sister said: Cinderella, tighten the sash of my dress.

二姐說: 灰姑娘, 快幫我拉拉裙邊.

Cinderella said: Excuse me, Can I go to the ball?

灰姑娘說: 我能去參加舞會嗎?

The stepmother said: How dare are you? It is not for one such as you are to go to such a place.

後母說: 你怎麼敢呢? 你這樣的人不適合去那樣的地方.

The sisters said: You belong to the kitchen.

姐妹說: 你屬於待在廚房的.

Cinderella went to her mother's tomb in tears.


She missed her mother very much.


Cinderella said: How much I wish to see the prince!

灰姑娘說: 我好想見見王子呀!

Suddenly in a burst of light, a fairy appeared, with a glittering magic wand in her hand.

突然間, 一道光芒中, 一位仙女出現了, 手裡握著閃閃發光的魔杖.

The fairy said: Poor baby, let me help you.

仙女說: 可憐的孩子, 讓我來幫幫你吧.

The fairy took her into a orchard in the garden.


The fairy said: First pick out a big pumpkin.

仙女說: 首先選一個大大的南瓜吧.

Cinderella said: Why?

灰姑娘說: 為什麼?

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